Domestic Violence Court Cases in Raleigh NC

10 Tips For Handling Domestic Violence Court Cases

January 23, 20256 min read

Domestic violence is a serious matter and ruins the lives of millions year after year. While the violence itself puts damaging effects on families all around, an unjust accusation can ruin a life without a single blow.

Domestic violence court cases in Raleigh NC can end up as some of the most exhausting and damaging trials anyone may face. When you face charges from domestic violence, you need to know how to protect yourself.

We have 10 of the best tips to keep you in good standing and break down the importance of bail bonds. Keep informed and stay safe. 

1. Understanding Your Basic Rights

For every criminal case, you have a series of rights. As with all interactions with the law, you need to understand these rights to ensure you get justice.

For a criminal case, such as domestic violence court cases, you have the following rights. You have the right to call witnesses to testify, to present your own evidence, to cross-examine the prosecutor's witnesses, and to evaluate the State's evidence. 

Working with your lawyer to ensure that they put these means to work is a strong way to win a case. 

2. Securing Your Own Evidence

With any accusation, your saving grace will often be the evidence you can provide that helps prove your innocence. Since you should never rely on your accusers to bring forth this evidence, you need to do it yourself.

Identify witnesses and make sure the court takes their statements and you bring them to the stand.

Secure any pictures or videos that can disprove charges or help back-up your own claims. Record and save any text messages with the victim.

To best prepare for a case, you need to ensure you have your freedom. Bail bonds are the key there, and we deal in the best Wake County bail bonds

3. Make Sure They Take Your Own Written Record

When the police arrive at the scene, they have a set of standards they need to follow. This includes taking down statements from those involved.

Whether it is due to the heat of the moment or victim bias, police often do not approach the accused for their statement. Make sure you approach them instead.

In a calm and rational manner, make sure that the police put your own written statement in the official records. This will be a valuable piece in court. 

4. Hiring the Right Domestic Violence Lawyer

In the vast majority of legal matters, representing yourself in court is a dangerous choice. Due to the emotional and "He said, she said" matters of domestic violence, these cases are often the worst to represent yourself in.

Make sure you call an experienced and skilled lawyer to represent you. Like all lawyers, many often specialize in certain forms of law, so look for those who focus on domestic violence.

5. Planning Out Your Case with Your Lawyer

Your lawyer, assuming you got one that knows what they are doing, should be your team leader when it comes to courtroom game plans.

Let their experience guide you when making plans for testifying, presenting evidence, and negotiating with your accuser. It is best to never go "off script" when dealing with high-pressure moments.

Your lawyer has your best interests at heart, trust them. 

6. Getting a Bail Bond

For those unaware, bail is a term of insurance that you must pay to the court to release you from custody before trial. The amount depends on your crime and flight risk and you must pay in cash.

For many, paying bail can be hard. When that happens, Kat Bail Bonds is here to help. Bail bonds help pay for your bail when you can't, putting you on an affordable payment plan to keep you free and unburdened. 

Kat Bail Bonds have been the best Raleigh bail bonds for years. When you need bail bonds Raleigh, NC, you should turn to Kat Bail Bonds.

7. Keep to Court Orders When Released From Custody

After you pay bail bonds, often there will be a set of instructions from the court to follow to keep your freedom. These often are important for you to win and you should follow them.

Often the orders include showing up on your court dates, refraining from any additional legal trouble, and keep in touch with your bondsmen and lawyer. 

8. Be Punctual and Well-Dressed for Court Dates

Speaking of court dates, these are the times you need to prepare for. In the face of domestic violence, your appearance is a huge target. Keeping punctual and well-dressed can remove that target.

Wear your nicest and cleanest clothes to court. Arrive on-time or even early to your court dates. Remain respectful to the court and act with calm rationality.

9. Look Into Victim Signing an Affidavit of Non-Prosecution

There are certain ways you can stop the prosecution of charges against you before they even begin. This includes an affidavit of non-prosecution.

The victim can sign this affidavit, which will drop all charges they have against you. This path goes away once the prosecution seeks to begin prosecution, so you have to act fast. 

Given that domestic violence is often a crime of passion, hearts and minds may not be in the most rational space during the initial charges. 

Organize a talk with the victim, with all lawyers present, and work with them on reaching an agreement beforehand. The less time spent in a dangerous court case, the less damage goes against your relationship. 

10. Understand the Limits of an Attorney

It is important to remember that, even when innocent, no lawyer can promise a case win. Some cases have easier paths to victory, but there are always too many variables to make any promise.

Because of this, you need to understand that your lawyer is only human. Any and all evidence against you lessens your chances even with the best lawyer and you should never trust one who makes absolute promises.

Instead, focus on what is reasonable to happen and plan for the worst-case scenario when a curve ball comes your way. 

Fighting for Your Freedom From Domestic Violence Court Cases

These tips are valuable information, but only scratch the surface of the intensity of domestic violence court cases. You cannot scoff at these cases and what they can do. Instead, find the right lawyer to represent you. 

No matter the case you may face, dealing with your bail is a powerful tool to make your life easier. No one in the North Carolina area does this better than us here at Kat Bail Bonds. Contact us today for more information. 

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