how much is bail for domestic violence

How Much is Bail for Domestic Violence?

January 23, 20254 min read

Going to jail isn't as uncommon as many people believe. In fact, more than 50% of Americans have had at least one family member incarcerated.

You generally have the option to post bail, but the amount you pay will depend on the crime you're charged with. For domestic violence, not everyone has an idea of what to expect.

Not sure where to start? Don't worry, we’ve got you covered.

Let's take a look at everything you need to know to answer 'how much is bail for domestic violence.'

What Is Domestic Violence?

Before we begin, it's important to define exactly what domestic violence is.

While most people assume it's a physical altercation between two spouses or significant others, it's not always something that's immediately apparent.

There are multiple types of domestic violence, and some of them don't have to involve physical contact at all.

Let's explore a few of the major ones.


Intentional striking or violent physical behavior is considered domestic violence. But, this type of domestic violence could also include physical intimidation of threats.

Preventing someone from receiving proper medical treatment or forcing them to take certain substances are also classified as a form of physical domestic violence.


Also known as psychological abuse, emotional domestic violence occurs when the perpetrator intentionally dehumanizes, terrorizes, or otherwise causes psychological distress to the victim.

The most common forms of emotional domestic abuse are public humiliation, stalking, and constant harsh criticism.


Both verbal pressure and the use of force to get someone to engage in sexual activity are both types of sexual domestic violence. 

But, even unwanted sexual comments or advances can fall into this category. In general, if a sex act is not entirely consensual between both parties, it's often a form of sexual abuse.


Some abusers withhold money from their significant other or prevent them from going to work. Other times, they'll impede them from accessing their own bank accounts in order to establish a form of control.

For those who rely on their partner in order to survive, this form of abuse often has devastating consequences.

So, How Much is Bail for Domestic Violence?

In North Carolina, there is often a 48-hour hold for those who are taken to jail for domestic violence. This is to prevent the abuser from retaliating against their victim for getting law enforcement involved.

This number is significant because it is the maximum amount of time that a judge has to set a bond for the person incarcerated. If the alleged abuser has a previous criminal history, a judge will often wait the full 48 hours.

When the bond is finally set, the amount highly depends on the nature of the crime.

For example, let's assume the crime was a misdemeanor domestic battery. Most likely, this would be a slap, grab, or similar physical action that didn't cause significant bodily harm.

The bond here might be set between $500-$1000.

For more severe forms of domestic violence, though, this amount will be far higher.

Sexual abuse, for example, can have a bond that's thousands of dollars. Domestic violence that culminated in attempted murder or severe bodily injury could not have any bond set at all.

It's important to remember not to contact the alleged victim from jail, as this could be considered a form of harassment. 

What Type of Punishment Does The Defendant Face?

If charges are pressed, posting bond is the first step toward defending yourself. Getting in contact with a reputable attorney is far easier from outside of a cell.

Based on North Carolina statutes, the type of sentence you'll be facing will depend on the nature of the crime (misdemeanor vs. felony, type of violence, etc.).


As previously mentioned, a simple battery charge is often the most common misdemeanors that domestic violence defendants face.

This type of charge could result in up to 150 days in jail, community service, enrollment in an anger management program. The defendant may also have to pay restitution to the victims.

Under certain circumstances, the judge may also that the defendant surrender their firearms if they own any.


Felony charges are a different story, as these include rape, sexual abuse, and assault that causes grievous bodily harm.

particularly violent felony crimes (or those that involve rape) could be considered Class A felonies, for which the maximum punishment is life in prison.

What Do I Do After I Post Bail?

It's not uncommon for charges to be pressed against you after a domestic violence incident.

Your first course of action should be to get in contact with an attorney who specializes in this area of law. Proper legal representation will be your best method of action when it comes to getting your life back on track.

Keep contact with the alleged victim minimal at best, and avoid being in a situation where you're alone with them at all costs. If you need to retrieve your belongings from a place of residence, you can contact law enforcement and ask them to be present.

Handling Bail For Domestic Violence Can Seem Difficult

But it doesn't have to be.

With the above information about 'how much is bail for domestic violence' in mind, you'll be well on your way to taking the necessary steps for your freedom.

Want to learn more about how to get your bond money back in North Carolina? This article has plenty of useful info.

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